Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Excuse me...Can I Have a Jump?

Since Rihanna’s debut of the “purplicious” jumper, controversy has strike with whether this move was a fashion don’t. Well, Mauve says it’s a fashion do! We stand 100% behind Rihanna’s decision to wear such a funky jumpsuit. Cool, yet edgy and fun yet sexy, Jumpsuits are this summer’s must have. Opt for vibrant colors that reflect a courageous attitude, but please wear with confidence! Jumpsuits are comfortable and relaxing, while creating a hard hitting look with minimal work. As Rihanna’s Paul and Joe jumpsuit suggests, keeping you accessories simple will be the ultimate way to pull off this look. Here are a couple of our favorite jumpsuits for the season. Enjoy!

Paul & Joe Lapaulet Silk Jumpsuit $540.00

Topshop Button Up Jumpsuit $80.00

Turel Jumpsuit by Antik Batik $190.00

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