Monday, August 27, 2007
Yes...She Also Speaks!!!

What Should I Read?
Friday, August 24, 2007
Just My Thought..."Vintage MCM"
I've actually been seeing many MCM logo bags on ladies' arms lately. I particularly think that this is a fashion don't do. I just think that when this brand was out in its prime it was only worn and highlighted by the ghetto fab. I understand bringing in the old school Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel...but the MCM? I'm not fond of that. To me its just tacky to wear that brand now. Hmm...maybe if it was an MCM bag without the logo, that probably would be more chic and distinguished, but the logo bag...its just tasteless. I get the whole "vintage" thing...but in this case this is a brand that should be left in its coffin!...Just my thought- Kristie Shaw Tampa, FL
Just My Thought...
Monday, August 20, 2007
What Lies Beneath
When discussing fashion, it seems that what quickly comes across a person's mind is clothing, jewelry, and/or accessories. A corner that is very seldom overlooked in the fashion industry is Lingerie. There are very few fashion designers whose focus is on what lies beneath. Believe it or not...fashion goes way beyond the blouse, skirt, and pumps you decide to wear each day. It is to my knowledge that men go crazy over a women who takes part in matching their bras with their panties :-) But it goes beyond that ladies...it is well known that Victoria Secret is the leading lingerie seller amongst all, but they are indeed a little too commercial. Then there is the ever so "riskay" Frederick's of Hollywood...whose whips and chains may scare many housewives away! If you search and look closely you will find a point between the "too commercial" and the "too riskay", in which fashion is noted as the forefront for lingerie. Yes, my dears...I am talking of the well sought after, fashionable lingerie line, Agent Provocateur.
Founded in 1994 by husband and wife duo, Joseph Corre and Serena Rees, this line of edgy, sexy, and couture style "undies" have men drooling after their wives, mistresses, and girlfriends all alike. This duo has
managed to deliver "high quality designer lingerie with a creative flair to stimulate, enchant, and arouse both wearers and their partners". They have established a lingerie line where prudence is of no character and seduction is of high magnitude. They have created an environment where taste, sensualism, and fashion intertwine. For over ten years
they have established a brand through cinema advertising, celebrity endorsements, and much more. Their celebrity endorsements include pop star Kylie Minogue in 2001 and Supermodel Kate Moss in 2006. Their current campaign, which has not been released, will be endorsed by Maggie Gylllenhaal. AP has gone on to create other products such as jewelry, shoes, books, and fragrances to expand on their name. They have been deemed the "only true credible lingerie brand on the fashion map." Agent Provocateur has stores in thirteen countries and offers online shopping. Visit their latest catalogue at http://www.agentprovocateur.com/
Just My Thought...
Just My Thought...
Monday, August 13, 2007
Africa, a place I like to call home, is making more of a presence in the fashion industry. With the help of different organizations pushing to bring African designers to the center stage...it won't be long until many African designers become mainstream. Everyone... lets give a warm welcome to Runway Africa, an organization created to showcase African designers and place them into the global market. The creators of Runway Africa are "inspired by the urbanity of African textiles, fashions, and designs". They basically provide a "home" to African fashion designers from around the world, and give them a place to reveal their creations. While still standing behind African couture designs, they reach into the lives of others by supporting different non-profit organizations.
This year Runway Africa will host their fashion show on September 15, 2007 at the Embassy of France in Washington, D.C. The designers include:
- Ruby (South Africa)
- Sika (Ghana)
- Bezeymailan & Togo (Russian, Vietnam, & French influences)
- Blokes N'Divas (Nigeria)
- Harriet's Alter Ego (Nigeria)
Their guest/featured model is Miss Universe Ghana, Angela Asare, the 21 year old who won Miss Congeniality at the Miss Universe 2006 competition.
This year they have chose to support "Keep A Child Alive" as their non-profit organization.

If you are in the Washington D.C. area during that time, make sure you purchase a ticket to the fashion show, tickets are $25 for regular admission. For more details on their future projects and events, log on to http://www.runwayafrica.com/.
Please also visit... http://www.keepachildalive.com/
Fashion News
Monday, August 6, 2007
"We're Off To See The Wizard..."
For a brief moment you close your eyes. The scene is pitch black. You open your ears to the sound of loud thumps beating against your ear drums; in which brings you to the thought of techno music. Out of the pitch black scene a neon green laser light is reflecting sporadically through the open space...The techno music continues to grind into your ears...and as you open your eyes...you immediately believe that you have warped into another world, where bold, bright colors are infused with mixed prints, leather, and elaborate make-up. You awaken from this fantasy only to realize that you are sitting front row at a Heatherette fashion show.
Heatherette is a fashion company and design house, created by Traver Rains and Richie Rich. The development of this futuristic, flirty, and fun clothing company began in late 1999, where they constructed custom made t-shirts on their living room floor. The pair quickly rose to fame when a buyer for Patricia Fields ordered twenty of their signature shirts, on the spot. From that point on there was nothing but good news for Heatherette.
As seen on many celebrities that include Gwen Stefani, Mya, Kelis, Pink, Paris Hilton, and Aubrey O'Day, Heatherette has become the epitome of fashion "pop". It is often said that clothes should be a reflection of who you are...and those who wear Heatherette can be classified as people who are unique, life-loving, eccentric, and exude a bright and kooky spirit. There fashion puts you in a psychedelic mind frame...bringing a cartoon-like atmosphere to your wardrobe. Their pieces are fun and playful, and will shine a light on everyones' spirit.
Heatherette's Fall 2007 show reflected a deconstructed/reconstructed feel, as they pieced together scenes from the favorable movie, "The Wizard of Oz". They entitled the show, "Over The Rainbow", which in turn gave them much critical acclaim. The clothes showcased bright colors and gave an appeal to those yet to be jaded by reality.
