The Spring season is amongst us all and what better way to prepare than to make a checklist of the hottest wearables? The Mauve Society has taken the liberty to create Spring Break! 2008, a guide to the luscious trends. Enjoy!

They’re fashionable, they’re funky, and most importantly they’re fabulous! This spring, endure a chic and comfortable look with a Jumpsuit. A full length or short cut will work just fine, just make sure they don’t hug the body parts to tight! Allow for a free flowing jumpsuit and accent your waist with a belt or tie. You can throw on a pair of pumps for a night out of town or a pair of flat sandals if your on your way to social lunch.

Of course we all know flowers bloom in the Spring, but they also bloom on the Springs runway. Floral prints were a major hit for designers during fashion week. So express your love for the season by wearing a floral printed top or dress. Acquire the prints in your basic colors or go wild with flavorful colors such as orange and yellow.

Every girl dreams of wearing a hooded dress. Its just a hidden desire that we have and can’t live without. It really does give you a runway look with either way you wear it. Whether short or long in length, the hooded dress will be an awesome addition to the closet. Actually wearing the hood is a choice you would have to make, depending on the occasion to which you are wearing the dress.

The craze of the Spring season and the Summer, the over-sized sunglasses. More and more designers have incorporated over-sized sunglasses in their collections, as celebrities and fashionistas have placed them in high demand. Take your pick in style: Aviators or Wayfarers? Either way you won't lose.
How about some excitement in your wardrobe? For the Spring decorate your sleeves with ruffles of all sorts. Be it elaborate or soft in style, ruffles brings about a flirty essence to the outfit. If you choose a ruffled blouse, be prepared to wear a bottom with simplicity; we don't want to confuse the audience!

This Spring season, what you wear on your feet can make or break your outfit. There are many different styles to choose from but make sure you add a dash of color to your picks. It may also be to your advantage to throw a pair of peeped-toe booties in your collection as well.

The safari look takes on a whole new meaning this Spring. Its not just your typical sandals, khaki and denim outfit, oh no…this Spring take it two steps further and add splashes of metallic gold, plunging necklines, and pumps. This safari will definitely be a sexy one to remember! Still catering to the simplicities of a true Safari outfit, adding character to the look will definitely turn heads.

Spring brings rainy days and what better way to prepare than to have a trench at your disposal? But not just any trench, a belted trench that brings in the feminine touches of the coat, while accenting the waist line. And if you’re a fierce one, you just might want to pop your collar to give an edgy persona.